Galveston RailFest

Model Trains have endured across generations, evoking American nostalgia like nothing else that can fit on one table. The tradition of toy train sets under the Christmas tree goes back at least 100 years – back around the time when Lionel began to produce the first electric toy trains.
This is the biggest model train show ever. This two-day RailFest features train clubs and individuals from across the state who converge and compare at the Galveston Railroad Museum. Large-sized models chug along the tracks, dipping into tiny tunnels, clattering across mini-bridges, and sometimes leaving a trail of puffs from the little engines that can and should.
Enthusiasts of all ages will experience the thrill of the tracks at the biggest model train show ever. Sounds, sights and fun will be abundant at the two- day event where train organizations and individuals from across the state will mount and run their spectacular large size train sets in the depot at the Galveston Railroad Museum.
In addition to the model trains, visitors are encouraged to view the exhibits located in the museum and rail cars, enjoy the many vendors located in the Garden of Steam, and live entertainment featuring singer-songwriter Sara Hickman. Interactive experiences will include train rides on the rail yard caboose that leaves the station every 20 minutes.
Read More at Galveston Railroad MuseumEvent details subject to change. Click source links for latest information.