Projections for July 4th Travel Are In: 2024 Will Be Another Record-Breaker

The results are in: The annual projections for the 2024 4th of July travel season blow all previous year predictions out of the water! Over 5.6 million anticipated travelers in Texas and over 4.5 million in Florida indicate that the Gulf states are definitely driving significant numbers in these US estimates. With this year’s July 4 happening mid-week, our own site’s Independence Day event listings span the entire week and then some, with related happenings as early as June 28 and as deep into the calendar as July 10.
Click through to the entire AAA article for informative charts and some great tips to make your summer holiday travel a breeze! – Editor
AAA Texas projects 5.6 million people in the Lone Star State will travel over this Independence Day holiday travel period, a 5.2% increase over last year. Across the nation, AAA projects 70.9 million travelers will head 50 miles or more from home over the Independence Day holiday travel period.
“We anticipate this July 4th week will be the busiest for this holiday ever,” said Galen Grillo, Vice President and General Manager of AAA Texas. “Travel is in high gear this summer with more people not only booking domestic trips, but AAA travel advisors are seeing more international and cruise bookings as many people are taking bucket list vacations.”
Top Destinations
This July 4th week, travelers are cooling off in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska – and by the ocean! Seattle, Vancouver, and Anchorage are top destinations, and beaches in South Florida are in high demand.
In Texas, AAA Texas travel advisors say the top road trip destinations are Galveston, Corpus Christi, state parks, the San Antonio River Walk, as well as the large metropolitan areas of Houston, Dallas, and Austin.
Busy Roads
AAA projects 60.6 million people will travel by car in the U.S.
Transportation data and insight provider INRIX, says the worst times to travel by car before and on July 4th are between 2pm and 7pm. Drivers should hit the road in the morning, and travelers returning on Monday, July 8th should avoid rush hour traffic in the morning and afternoon.