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National Absinthe Day

National Absinthe Day

Mark your calendars, and get ready to celebrate National Absinthe Day with a night filled with enchanting green spirits and lively conversations!

Come and learn from Absinthe experts Marielle Songy and Ted Breaux. Guests will have a taste of an absinthe frappe with Marielle Songy, and watch Ted Breaux demonstrate the absinthe drip. Ray Bordelon, curator of La Gallerie de la Abisnthe, will be on hand to talk about the collection. And he promises to have some special photographs to share that evening. Engage in lively conversations with fellow enthusiasts and learn about the art of the traditional absinthe ritual!

Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of New Orleans as you sip on this legendary drink and savor the flavors that have captivated artists and writers throughout history. Happy National Absinthe Day!

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