Map graphic via GE
Sure, we all like our traditional turkey, cranberry sauce, and green bean casseroles on our Thanksgiving tables. However, that doesn’t mean all pies are created equal. No siree, just as diverse as the people of the Gulf Coast states are, so are their tastes in pies.
You see, a couple years back, General Electric conducted a survey to find out every state’s favorite pie. What they found probably won’t surprise you if you’re from a state that prefers another pie over pumpkin. However, if you’re traveling to the Gulf States for Thanksgiving, you certainly don’t want to take the wrong pie.
Well, don’t worry too much about it. When it comes to the Gulf State’s favorite pies, Stuckey’s and Go! Gulf States has you covered this Thanksgiving. Read on so you’re not a big turkey and you bring a pie that will do Granny proud.
Not a Pumpkin in Sight
If you were, in fact, thinking about bringing a pumpkin pie to any of the Gulf States, think again. Yes, it’s true that a majority of the country sticks with the traditional orange gourd pie for their Thanksgiving dessert. However, tradition is a little different down here. So, put on your best stretchy pants, and let’s take a look at the favorite pies of the Gulf States.
Pecan Pie / Louisiana & Texas
Is it any wonder that Louisianans love a good pecan pie on Thanksgiving? After all, pecans were practically invented here (well, as a cash crop anyway). In the mid-1800s, an enslaved gardener at Louisiana’s Oak Alley Plantation named Antoine successfully propagated the pecan tree using grafting. As a result, pecans eventually became more plentiful for everyone. After Lincoln proclaimed the first Thanksgiving holiday in 1863, rest assured that pecan pies have graced Louisiana tables ever since.
Texans have their own love for the pecan. In fact, behind Georgia and New Mexico, Texas is the third largest grower of pecans in America. What’s more, its home to the San Saba Mother Pecan – “The Mother of all Pecan Trees.” All varieties of pecans we have today are said to be descendants from this one particular tree. Certainly, First Ladies Ladybird Johnson’s and Laura Bush’s pecan pies were on their presidential families’ Thanksgiving table every year.
Apple Pie / Florida
Remember the 1975 TV commercial about America’s love of baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and a certain car manufacturer? Well, as it turns out apple pie is not quite as American as you think. In fact, culinary historians say it originated in England sometime around 1390 and came over with the early Europeans. (Perhaps the Pilgrims brought it with them in 1630 and served it at the first Thanksgiving dinner. Whatever the case, by 1796, there were two apple pie recipes in Amelia Simmons’ American Cookery, America’s first cookbook. Just a few score later on that first Thanksgiving in 1863, apple pie was a typical American cuisine. By the 20th century, like many things brought here by our forebears, it had become as American as, well, apple pie. Nonetheless, Florida may be known for their oranges, but at Thanksgiving it’s all about the apple pie.
Both Apple Pie and Pecan Pie / Alabama and Mississippi
Personally, we think that the people of Alabama and Mississippi have the right idea. GE found that it’s a tie between pecan pie and apple pie for Turkey day dessert in both states. However, we say since you’ve already got your stretchy sweatpants on, why not have a slice of both?
Looking for things to see and do along America’s third coast? Now it’s as easy as pie, thanks to Go! Gulf States. Check out their website today for upcoming holiday events and more only at
And be sure to take some Stuckey’s with you no matter where you travel this Thanksgiving. From road trip snacks to pecans for pies, Stuckey’s helps get you where you going (and to the Thanksgiving table). Order your holiday treats and more only from
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