Turtle Talk Tuesdays

The Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve in Eastpoint, Florida hosts free “Turtle Talks” each Tuesday throughout the summer. Visit the Reserve any Tuesday this summer through August, help to learn all about the area’s nesting sea turtles. After a presentation on sea turtle biology, the reserve’s conservation and monitoring program, and ways local residents and visitors can make the beaches welcoming to nesting turtles, staff and members of the St. George Island Volunteer Turtle Patrol will be on hand to answer all turtle questions!
This air-conditioned event is a wonderful chance to learn more about sea turtles and is great for anyone visiting the area alone or with family. The talks are free and registration is not required; however seating is limited.
Visitors interested in learning about sea turtle nesting may visit the St. George Island Visitor’s Center (at the St. George Island Lighthouse Park) to pick up turtle information.
Read More at Apalachicola Reserve
Event details subject to change. Click source links for latest information.