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How Social Interaction Threatens the Safety of This Wild Dolphin in Corpus Christi

How Social Interaction Threatens the Safety of This Wild Dolphin in Corpus Christi

Photo by: Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network, under a Stranding Agreement between NOAA and Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network under the authority of the Marine Mammal Protection Act

The recommendations within this regularly updated article may apply to any situation where wildlife and humans encounter each other – like the entire Gulf shoreline. This timeline of a dolphin growing more and more aggressive on Padre Island in Corpus Christi, Texas could be set in any coastal community where these interactions occur. Read and heed. – Editor

First spotted March, 2020, a lone dolphin remains active in canals along a Padre Island neighborhood in Corpus Christi, Texas. Over time, the public has become more and more interested in the animal – even showing up to swim with, ride, jump on, and pet the dolphin. They are sharing their interactions via social media, encouraging others to go out and interact with the animal. These actions could be dangerous – even fatal – for the dolphin.

Biologists ask that folks not seek out and interact with the dolphin. If you do encounter it, view from a safe distance. Give it space. While experts understand the enthusiasm in seeing wildlife up close, encouraging this dolphin to engage with people is very dangerous for its survival in the wild.

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National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

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