PINS Hatchling Release – Corpus Christi

Photo by National Park Service
If you have ever been to a hatchling release on Padre Island National Seashore, you know it’s a whole thing. There is a routine and a protocol to keep all those baby turtles safe on their mad dash to the sea. There’s a hotline and everything!
Know that it is worth the effort. A hatchling release is a thing of Mother Nature beauty – Mother Nature assisted by sweet and knowledgeable park rangers and a couple hundred neighbors cheering them all on. It’s the least we can do as humans to help them beat the odds that our ways of living have dealt them.
First, put this number in your phone: 361-949-7163. It’s the Hatchling Hotline! It will have updated information on each release through the season. Call it before you head out to the Malaquite Visitors Center the morning of each event to make sure the turtle are still being released. Then, click the button link below and read everything in the listing to become a part of a hatchling release!
Read More at Padre Island National Seashore on Facebook
Event details subject to change. Click source links for latest information.