Bogalusa Blues & Heritage Festival 2023

The Bogalusa Blues & Heritage Festival is known as one of the best festivals in the New Orleans and Gulf Coast regions. They put on a slate of entertainers tilted heavily toward the blues each year, and the word is out: Bogalusa is the festival to attend outside of New Orleans. What New Orleans is to jazz, Bogalusa is to the blues.
The fest is first and foremost dedicated to the Blues and to the contributions of Bogalusans and area-folk and institutions that contributed to its history. Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown and Professor Longhair hold significant places in the festival’s heart.
This weekend of culture and fun takes over all of Cassidy Park. Bring your friends and family: There’s camping, train rides, rock climbing, a 5K, and splashpad, just for fun! Oh, and some amazing music to get the kids of all ages to boogie down. Lodging and VIP add-ons available.
This year’s talent includes The Chitlins, Mr. Sipp, Claire Kellar, Johnny Sansone, and more!
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