⚜️ Stirrup Some Fun This Thanksgiving at NOLA’s Human Horse Races

No foaling around: Horses deserve a holiday as much as we do. New Orleans’ Human Horse Races leave the horses in the stalls to chillax while the humans are saddled with racing duties. Yes, it’s a real event. Every Thanksgiving. Via NOLA Vie offers this history of the event. The story is from 2021, and some details within may pertain to just that year, so be sure to check the event listing. Bottom line: if you seek a spur-of-the-moment holiday trip, trot on down to this mane event. – Editor
Have you ever dreamed of waking up and instantly falling under the spell of a man wearing a horse’s head, as did the Fairy Queen Titania in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream? Or, like a child, dreamily circling a carousel in the saddle of a steed, grasping its reins? Even perhaps galloping ’round a golden meadow with a colorfully painted horse’s head atop a pogo stick?
Well, then, Human Horse Races may rouse your vivid imagination. Human Horse Races is a community event intended to support injured or retired horses while having a jolly good time.
Makeup artist Ingrid Anderson came up with the novel concept for an alternative Thanksgiving outing so participants can still have an opportunity to show off their finery and fabulous chapeaux while leaving the horses to relax in their stalls.